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Surgeon No. 1
in endoprosthetics using DAA surgery in Russia and the CIS

  • He was the first to massively introduce an innovative method of hip replacement through the Direct Anterior Approach (DAA)
Make an appointment
I’ll set you on your legs in one day! Watch the video

1 day

from surgery to return to a full life

14 years  

of experience in the hip joint treatment


Successful Operations

An expert who is boldly recommended

Lyudmila Ivanovna Mochalova

Private practice physician, doctor of alternative medicine.
Head of Immunity Recovery Center

Education: Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Residency
Academy of Traditional Medicine, Moscow
Works at the Republican Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital in Izhevsk
Deputy chief physician and chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Udmurt Republic for pediatric infectious diseases

Original feedback
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Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of the preventive kinesiotherapy method and papers on the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Sends thousands of patients for examination and subsequent surgery to the Hip Surgery Center of Dr. Eremin.

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Anatoly Alexandrovich Skragin

Major General of the Police of the Kyrgyz Republic

«THANK YOU Ivan Konstantinovich for allowing many people to suffer less, rehabilitate faster and enjoy the JOY we had before the disease.»

Presented to I.K. Eremin the Order «For Mercy»

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Victor Yuryevich Aparin

Karate Kyokushin master, 6 dan, active fighter in the category without age restrictions.

«Thank you for what you’ve done for me! After the operation, I am in good health, fighting spirit and continue to engage in my favorite military art.»

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Igor Borisovich Mann

The most famous marketer in Russia, speaker, author, publisher.
An operation was performed for Igor’s father. «I can wholeheartedly recommend Ivan Konstantinovich as a Specialist (with a capital letter) for the treatment and prosthetics of hip joint problems — whether they are age-related or a consequence of injury.»

Original feedback
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Why more than 300 patients annually entrust their health to Dr. Eremin

  • He was the first to introduce a minimally invasive technique for hip replacement surgery without muscle and tendon incision (DAA), unique for Russia and the CIS.
  • He trained the DAA technique under the guidance of Professor Kristoff Corten, the No. 1 surgeon in the world for the DAA.
  • The founder and the head of the Hip Surgery Center. He assembled and trained a team of surgeons who master the DAA method.
  • He regularly undergoes advanced training and participates in international conferences in the USA and Europe.
  • He teaches the minimally invasive method of the DAA to future doctors in residency.

Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The author of the book:
Hip replacement is not a sentence»

Buy the book

Dr. Eremin in the media

Hip pain. Why does the hip hurt and how to treat it?
How to understand what hurts in the hip joint areaHip pain. Why does the hip hurt and how to treat it?
How to understand what hurts in the hip joint


Hip replacement. Coxarthrosis.
How is the joint replacement operation performed?


How much does hip replacement surgery cost?
Hip replacement.


Rehabilitation after hip replacement.
What exercises to do for rehabilitation


How does the robot affect the result in the arthroplasty operation?
Hip replacement in a new way.


How to prepare for hip replacement surgery.
Hip replacement.


Direct anterior approach arthroplasty.
Pros and cons.


The easiest hip test at home.
How to understand that your hip joint hurts?


World-class professionalism

11 annual international conference on the DAA. Houston, USA, 2022
Advanced training at the Moscow School of Management "SKOLKOVO" under the program of additional professional education "System management of the clinic"
Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov (traumatology and orthopedics), residency, 2011
Advanced training at the University of Tübingen in Germany, 2019
Samara Military Medical Institute (general medicine), 2008
Advanced training at Medsi Group of Companies of the Medical Academy under the additional professional program Traumatology and Orthopedics, 2020
Advanced training in the autonomous non-profit organization of additional education "Scientific and educational medical center under the program "Endoprosthetics of large joints, "2016
Advanced training at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after R.R. Vreden" under the program of additional professional education on the topic "Complex cases of hip replacement," 2018
Professional retraining at ”Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)" on the topic "Organization of Health Care and Public Health, "2019

Why the DAA method is practiced at the Center

7 Benefits of the DAA Surgery

Minimal injury — all muscles, tendons and neurovascular bundles are preserved during surgery

The «bikini» incision runs parallel to the skin tension lines, which contributes to the formation of a cosmetic suture 7-8 cm long

Fast track recovery allows the patient to return to a full lifestyle as early as 2 weeks after surgery

Less postoperative pain

Low risk of complications such as: postoperative dislocation, limb length mismatch, lameness

Accelerated rehabilitation and reduced duration of hospitalization

Excellent results of the functional state of the new joint compared to classic accesses

More than 50% of surgeons in the world* perform minimally invasive surgery on the hip joint

Endoprosthetics of the hip joint using the DAA can reduce pain and accelerate recovery. Surgery is highly effective for hip fractures and injuries caused by diagnosis of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteonecrosis

Scientific study «Current trends in the practice of primary hip and knee replacement» (AAHKS)» 2020 ENG

See the document

Scientific study «Current trends in the practice of primary hip and knee replacement» (AAHKS)» 2020 ENG

See the document

World’s N1 surgeon chooses the DAA

Professor Javad Parvizi, MD, Director of the Rotman Orthopedic Institute (USA)

Treatment stages Dr. Eremin Center has «one day»

progressive surgery of European level

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5

Treatment stages Dr. Eremin Center has «one day»

progressive surgery of European level


Patient examination, history, diagnosis


Preparation for the operation: delivery of the pre-hospital unit of tests and research, consultation with a therapist and, if necessary, other narrow specialists.


Hospitalization: the patient goes to a superior ward, the anesthesiologist carries out a consultation, the operating surgeon examines the patient. Each patient has a selected implant that exactly corresponds to the individual mechanics of the body.


Direct anterior approach (DAA) surgery is accompanied by a team of specialists: anesthesiologist, surgeon, assistant surgeon, operating nurse.


Postoperative period in the ward, where specialists conduct round-the-clock monitoring of the patient’s condition.
FTR rehabilitation. Attentive care and recovery best practices allow patients to return to their favorite activities in 1-2 weeks.

Our patients tell about us better
than anyone

We receive the highest ratings for the quality of our doctors and the center. More than 100 people shared their positive experience

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Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

Submit a request and get a consultation