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Пожалуйста, поверните устройство в вертикальное положение для корректного отображения сайта
690 000 руб.
  • Surgical treatment with the DAA by surgeons of the Hip Surgery Center of Dr. Eremin
  • Installation of the most modern prosthesis Smith & Nephew Ceramic-polyethylene
  • Personal consultation of Ivan Konstantinovich, the operating surgeon of the center
  • 1 year of free postoperative consultations with Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin, the surgeon of the Hip Surgery Center
1 020 000 руб.
  • Surgical treatment with the DAA by the founder of the Hip Surgery Center Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
  • Installation of the most modern prosthesis Smith & Nephew Ceramics-polyethylene/Ceramics-Ceramics
  • Personal consultation of the founder of the Hip Surgery Center Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
  • Free postoperative consultations of Dr. Eremin for 1 year
  • Professional transportation to the rehabilitation center
  • Rehabilitation program in a modern multidisciplinary rehabilitation center
1 800 000 руб.
  • Single-step bilateral arthroplasty/single joint arthroplasty involving MAKO robot. The operation is carried out by the founder of the Hip Surgery Center Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
  • Installation of the most modern prosthesis Smith & Nephew Ceramics-polyethylene/Ceramics-Ceramics
  • Personal consultation of the founder of the Hip Surgery Center Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
  • Free postoperative consultations of Dr. Eremin for 1 year
  • Professional transportation to the rehabilitation center
  • Rehabilitation program in a modern multidisciplinary rehabilitation center

All tariffs include:

  • Fast track recovery
    Verticalization of the patient in the first hours after surgery, return to a full-fledged lifestyle after 2 weeks
  • Information support by Hip Surgery Center manager
  • Anaesthesia and complete anaesthetic support
  • Observation by doctors of the Hip Surgery Center during the period of stay in the hospital
  • Accommodation in a comfortable room with complete equipment
  • Nursing care
  • Drug therapy: symptomatic therapy, pathogenetic therapy, antibiotic therapy
  • X-ray control before/after surgery
  • Complex of standard postoperative tests
  • Removal of postoperative sutures

Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

Submit a request and get a consultation