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Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

  • High treatment efficacy:
    More than 85% of patients experience significant improvement
  • Individual approach:
    Personalized treatment plans for 100% of patients
  • Complete rehabilitation:
    90% of patients return to active life within 6 months after treatment for aseptic necrosis

Causes and risk factors

The main causes of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head include:

more than 35% of cases
Long-term corticosteroid use
≈ 30% of cases
Alcohol abuse
about 15% of cases
Taking medications

Chemotherapy and radiation exposure

Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

Femoral head aseptic necrosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs due to an impaired blood supply to the femoral head. The disease leads to the destruction (necrosis) of bone tissue and loss of function of the hip joint.

Stages and symptoms of aseptic necrosis of femoral head

First stage:

Not manifested by clinical and radiological signs

Second stage:

Clinical symptoms of femoral head necrosis appear, cysts are visible on the X-ray

Third stage:

Pronounced clinical picture, X-ray shows bone fracture

Stage four:

Bright clinical symptoms, the X-ray shows a fracture of bone tissue with the formation of a collapse zone

Fifth stage:

Common deforming arthrosis

Our doctors

Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon
Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist
Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics
Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova
Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon

Work experience 15 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip and joint arthroplasty using a robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery

Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 3 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 13 years

Doctor of the highest category

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 5 years


-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics

Work experience 15 years

Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova

Diagnosis and treatment of aseptic hip necrosis

Diagnosis includes radiography, CT, MRI and other methods. In the early stages, conservative treatment is used, including drug therapy and physiotherapy. Surgery may be required in later stages. At the center of the hip joint we offer you an innovative solution for surgery, after which you will stand on your feet in 2 hours.

After the operation of aseptic necrosis of the hip joint, it is important for the patient to undergo a rehabilitation course aimed at adapting to a new condition, restoring motor function. The prognosis of the disease depends on its stage, volume of lesion, localization. In most cases, after hip replacement, the volume of movement and support function of the limb are fully restored.

Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

Submit a request and get a consultation