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Treatment of hip dysplasia

  • High success rate:
    Over 90% of patients report significant improvement after hip treatment
  • Individual approach:
    Personalized treatment programs for each patient
  • Modern technology:
    Using the latest medical advances for maximum effect

What is hip dysplasia?

Dysplastic coxarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease due to congenital underdevelopment of the hip joint (hip dysplasia), in which deformation of the articular ends of the bones manifests itself in a change in the shape and depth of the acetabulum, a change in the cervical-diaphyseal angle and proximal femur.

Stages of hip dysplasia

According to the classification of J. Crowe, 4 stages of dysplasia are distinguished.


The first stage does not have pronounced clinical symptoms. The patient may complain of discomfort, minor aching pain. Movement restrictions are not observed at this stage. Radiographic images show a slight narrowing of the joint gap, as well as a slight subluxation of the head (less than 50%).


The second stage of the disease is characterized by increased pain, which can spread to the inguinal, popliteal region. Mobility is limited — flexion, extension, rotation of the limb is difficult. When moving, the patient can limp. Stage 2 dysplasia has more pronounced radiological changes — narrowing of the joint gap, change in the shape of the femoral head. Subluxation is more pronounced (displacement of the head by 50-75%).

3 и 4

They may have similar clinical symptoms. In the fourth stage of development of hip dysplasia, symptoms and limitation of movements are most pronounced. Pain is constantly present, sharply intensifies at the beginning of movement, bothers the patient more at night. The thigh muscles, pelvic muscles atrophy, the pelvis skews, one leg becomes shorter than the other. The patient wanders when walking — goose gait appears. X-ray shows a significantly deformed joint gap, changes in the bone structure of the femoral head, while with stage 3 dysplasia, the head displacement is 75-100%, and with stage 4, the head displaces by more than 100%. Left-sided, right-sided or bilateral dysplastic coxarthrosis of 3-4 stages leads to persistent impaired motor function and disability.

Center staff

Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon
Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist
Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics
Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova
Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon

Work experience 15 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip and joint arthroplasty using a robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery

Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 3 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 13 years

Doctor of the highest category

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 5 years


-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics

Work experience 15 years

Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova

Treatment of hip dysplasia

is done by both conservative and surgical methods

Conservative treatment

It involves reducing weight, increasing physical activity and using crutches and canes. This allows you to slow down the progression of dysplasia and reduce the severity of symptoms. Also, the doctor can prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondoprotectors.

Surgical techniques

These include: endoprosthetics and organ-preserving operations (osteotomy, plastic surgery) for hip dysplasia

Difficulties in endoprosthetics are due to the complexity of preoperative planning; underdevelopment and deformation of bone elements of the joint, their mutual displacement, relative and absolute shortening of soft tissues, technical difficulties of the support itself associated with previous operations, the presence of scar tissues, the need to lower the femoral head, high trauma and duration of the operation, increased blood loss compared to standard endoprosthetics, a significant number of local intra- and postoperative complications.

Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

Submit a request and get a consultation