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Treatment of Grade 2 coxarthrosis of the hip

  • High success rate:
    Over 90% of patients report significant improvement after hip treatment
  • Individual approach:
    Personalized treatment programs for each patient.
  • Modern technology:
    Using the latest medical advances for maximum effect.
описание коксартроза 2 степени

Main manifestations and causes

Grade 2 coxarthrosis is a serious signal for emergency treatment. This is a condition in which there is an acceleration of degenerative changes in the joint, aggravating the clinical picture and requiring immediate medical intervention.

In Grade 2 coxarthrosis, increased pain, lameness, muscle atrophy and limitation of joint mobility are observed. This is the result of progressive dystrophic changes that began at the first stage and intensified due to lack of treatment.

Causes and risk factors

Физическая нагрузка при коксартрозе
Physical activity

Regular heavy stress on the joint increases the risk of coxarthrosis

Избыточный вес при коксартрозе

More than 60% of coxarthrosis cases are obesity-related

Физические травмы при коксартрозе
Joint injuries

About 30% of coxarthrosis patients had a history of hip injuries

Our doctors

Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon
Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist
Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics
Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova
Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon

Work experience 15 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip and joint arthroplasty using a robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery

Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 3 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 13 years

Doctor of the highest category

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 5 years


-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics

Work experience 15 years

Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of Grade 2 coxarthrosis

Diagnosis of coxarthrosis
  • Radiography:
The main diagnostic method that allows you to determine the degree of deformation of the joint. Radiography:
    The main diagnostic method that allows you to determine the degree of deformation of the joint.
  • MRI and CT:
To assess the state of soft tissues and bone structures and the degree of their involvement in the pathological process. MRI and CT:
    To assess the state of soft tissues and bone structures and the degree of their involvement in the pathological process.
Treatment techniques
  • Drug therapy:
Use of NSAIDs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants. Drug therapy:
    Use of NSAIDs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures:
Include laser therapy, magnetotherapy, which contribute to improving blood circulation and reducing pain syndrome. Physiotherapeutic procedures:
    Include laser therapy, magnetotherapy, which contribute to improving blood circulation and reducing pain syndrome.

Popular Q&A

Can I return to active life after treatment for Grade 2 coxarthrosis?

Yes, many patients, after successful treatment and rehabilitation, return to an active life. However, it can take time and effort. Surgical treatments for Grade 2 coxarthrosis can significantly improve quality of life and restore joint mobility, allowing patients to return to activities.

How long can rehabilitation continue after surgery?

The rehabilitation period after surgery can vary, but it usually requires several months to regain full mobility. Here are some stages of rehabilitation:

  • Early rehabilitation, including physical therapy and pain control.
  • Gradual increase in physical activity and exercise.
  • Restoration of full mobility and strength in the joint.
Can I avoid surgery for Grade 2 coxarthrosis?

In some cases, conservative treatment can help improve the condition of the joint and prevent surgery. However, it depends on individual factors and the progression of the disease. The doctor may recommend surgery if conservative methods do not yield the desired outcome.

What conservative treatments can be used in the second grade of coxarthrosis?

Treatment of Grade 2 coxarthrosis includes the following conservative methods:

  • Physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility.
  • Use of anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Physical rehabilitation with stretching exercises and thigh muscle strengthening.
  • Avoiding overloads and loads on the joint.
What symptoms are characteristic of Grade 2 coxarthrosis?

Symptoms of Grade 2 coxarthrosis may include:

  • High joint pain that may be persistent or occur with physical activity.
  • Limiting joint mobility, especially when flexing and extending the hip.
  • Increased low back pain and impaired walking biomechanics.
  • Possible limp and change in the external shape of the leg due to asymmetry of movements.
What is Grade 2 coxarthrosis?

Grade 2 coxarthrosis is an advanced form of the disease in which there is more severe destruction of the articular tissues of the hip joint than in the first grade. At this grade, the following characteristics can be observed:

  • Reduction of the joint gap interval on the X-ray.
  • Increased pain and discomfort during movement and exertion.
  • The manifestation of joint mobility limitation.

Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

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