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Treatment of Grade 4 coxarthrosis of the hip

  1. High success rate:
    Over 90% of patients report significant improvement after hip treatment.
  2. Individual approach:
    Personalized treatment programs for each patient.
  3. Modern technology:
    Using the latest medical advances for maximum effect.

Medical classification involves dividing coxarthrosis into only three stages.

The last, third degree is the most severe. It is characterized by irreversible damage to the joint.

But in radiology, Grade 4 coxarthrosis is separately distinguished. It is characterized by a complete or partial growth of the joint fissure. As a result of such pathological changes, the hip joint becomes completely immobilized, and the patient becomes incapacitated. In this case, conservative therapy is ineffective and is used only to relieve clinical symptoms. The only way to restore motor function is through surgery.

Степени коксартроза


Болевой синдром при коксартрозе
Pain syndrome

The pain is concentrated in the damaged joint and spreads to the thigh, buttocks, lower back and inguinal region.

Sleep disturbance
Sleep disturbance

Due to constant pain, patients cannot fully sleep, insomnia often develops.

Movements in the hip joint are sharply limited or impossible
Movements in the hip joint are sharply limited or impossible

The patient cannot walk, squat, get up, or turn his leg to the side.

Change in the appearance of the leg
Change in the appearance of the leg

The muscles of the injured limb atrophy.


The prevalence of coxarthrosis is due to the fact that the hip joint is one of the largest and most mobile joints in the human body. It has a heavy load every day, it is constantly in motion. These anatomical features make it one of the main «targets» for degenerative-dystrophic changes.

Normally, the acetabulum and femoral head have a smooth surface. Between them is a layer of cartilage tissue, and the joint is filled with synovial fluid, which acts as «lubrication» and nutrition. This ensures smooth bone sliding and movement within the allowable amplitude. With coxarthrosis, the production of synovial fluid decreases until complete cessation. Cartilage does not receive nutrition and gradually dries up. With Grade 4 coxarthrosis, cartilage tissue is almost absent, and bones rub together and fuse together.

Such pathological changes can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • Genetic predisposition
to diseases of the musculoskeletal system Genetic predisposition
    to diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Excessive load on the pelvis
and lower extremities, especially frequent weight lifting Excessive load on the pelvis
    and lower extremities, especially frequent weight lifting
  • High joint pathologies
congenital dislocation, Perthes disease, necrosis of the femoral head High joint pathologies
    congenital dislocation, Perthes disease, necrosis of the femoral head
  • Immune deficiency conditions
including HIV infection Immune deficiency conditions
    including HIV infection
  • Heavy sports loads Heavy sports loads
  • Infections and inflammatory processes Infections and inflammatory processes
  • Frequent fractures Frequent fractures


To make a diagnosis and assess the stage of coxarthrosis, a comprehensive diagnosis is used:


At the initial consultation, the doctor clarifies the complaints and examines the patient. Deformation and immobilization of the joint, atrophy of the damaged limb are visually revealed.

Laboratory tests
Laboratory tests
  • CBC and biochemical blood test;
  • C-reactive protein;
  • rheumatoid factor.
Methods of radiation diagnostics:
Methods of radiation diagnostics:

X-ray, CT, MRI

Radiological examination methods are the gold standard for the diagnosis of coxarthrosis. They allow you to assess the condition of the hip joint and all its anatomical structures.

Application of X-ray examination method

Pelvis plain film (AP view). The X-ray shows degenerative-dystrophic changes:

  • osteophytes — bone growths formed on the articular surface;
  • partial or complete fusion of the joint space;
    bone deformation;
  • calcification sites — deposition of calcium salts;
  • areas of ossification under hyaline cartilage;
  • increase of cervical-diaphyseal angle.


Magnetic resonance imaging. The study makes it possible to visualize almost all elements of the hip joint in layers. This is especially important for assessing the degree of cartilage deformation.

CT. It is prescribed to study connective tissue structures: ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, vessels.

Our doctors

Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon
Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist
Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics
Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova
Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon

Work experience 15 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip and joint arthroplasty using a robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery

Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 3 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 13 years

Doctor of the highest category

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 5 years


-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics

Work experience 15 years

Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova


In the case of Grade 4 coxarthrosis, no treatment is given without surgery. This is due to the fact that at this stage of the disease there are no more healthy cartilages left. Modern medicine has not yet invented drugs to restore cartilage tissue, so its regeneration is impossible.

Hip replacement

The operation involves replacing the destroyed joint with an artificial implant — removal of damaged tissues, replacement of a destroyed joint.

Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

Submit a request and get a consultation