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Osteoporosis treatment

  • High success rate:
    Over 90% of patients report significant improvement after hip treatment
  • Individual approach:
    Personalized treatment programs for each patient.
  • Modern technology:
    Using the latest medical advances for maximum effect

Causes of osteoporosis of the femur

In bone tissue, two processes constantly occur — the destruction and formation of bones. For the formation of new bone tissue, building material is needed. Many systems take part in its formation. Vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as minerals that make bones more dense enter the blood through the digestive organs.

Endocrine organs take an active part in the process of bone formation and resorption. Muscles accelerate bone growth, the necessary vitamins are formed in the kidneys. If there is a malfunction in at least one of the above systems, the processes of formation and impairment of bone tissue are disrupted, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis.

Triggers of osteoporosis

Patients with a history of one or more risk factors should have regular preventive examinations in order to diagnose osteoporosis in time. Thanks to this, a course of treatment will be prescribed in a timely manner, which will significantly reduce the risk of complications and improve the prognosis.

Factors that can be controlled
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary lifestyle (leads to metabolic disorders and the development of congestion);
  • lack of vitamin D and calcium in the body;
  • long-term immobility;
  • long-term (more than 90 days) administration of glucocorticosteroids.
Factors that cannot be controlled
  • gender — female;
  • age — over 65 years old;
  • race — Caucasian;
  • low bone mineral saturation;
  • previous bone fractures;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • tendency to fall;
  • decreased sex hormone synthesis;
  • dystrophy;
  • renal impairment.

Disease risks

With osteoporosis, the risk of fracture of the neck, epiphysis of the femur, trauma to the acetabulum increases significantly. The hip joint is always under heavy loads, even if the person is in a static state. Therefore, the development of degenerative processes is extremely dangerous. The most severe complication is a hip fracture.

Even young people recover from such injuries extremely hard and long. The rehabilitation process takes them about a year. Less than 10% of patients return to normal life. If a fracture occurs in an elderly person, then in most cases he becomes disabled. Approximately 20% of fractures in old age end in the death of the patient.

Symptoms of the disease

Characteristic signs of hip joint damage:

  • Seizures of skeletal muscle
more often occur at night, but also during the day Seizures of skeletal muscle
    more often occur at night, but also during the day
  • Thigh, lower back pain
that increase with physical loads Thigh, lower back pain
    that increase with physical loads
  • Limp Limp
  • Changing posture Changing posture
  • Pains in groin and buttocks
sudden, paroxysmal Pains in groin and buttocks
    sudden, paroxysmal
  • Disconscious gait change
to reduce discomfort and pain Disconscious gait change
    to reduce discomfort and pain
  • Deterioration of general well-being
insomnia Deterioration of general well-being
  • Thoracic deformation
in advanced forms of the disease Thoracic deformation
    in advanced forms of the disease
  • Weakness in the legs
appears about a year after the onset of the disease Weakness in the legs
    appears about a year after the onset of the disease

Center staff

Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon
Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist
Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist
Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics
Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova
Ivan Konstantinovich Eremin
The main surgeon

Work experience 15 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip and joint arthroplasty using a robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery

Nikita Alexandrovich Semenov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 3 years

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Usman Akhiyatovich Baysarov
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 13 years

Doctor of the highest category

-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Zurab Malkhazievich Molarishvili
Orthopedic traumatologist

Work experience 5 years


-Hip arthroplasty via the DAA
-Total hip arthroplasty with robot assistant MAKO
-Revision hip surgery
-Conservative treatment of hip joint

Svetlana Vladimirovna Fedichkina
Operating nurse in traumatology and orthopedics

Work experience 15 years

Ekaterina Vasilievna Dolzhikova
Anna Mikhailovna Yazykova


В зависимости от причины возникновения различают первичную и вторичную форму заболевания. 

Первичный остеопороз возникает самостоятельно, вторичный является осложнением других заболеваний.

Виды первичных остеопорозов:


Возникает из-за изменения гормонального фона во время климакса у женщин


Вызван естественным старением организма, чаще всего диагностируется у людей обоих полов старше 70 лет


Причины неизвестны, поражает мужчин 20-50 лет, проявляется компрессионными переломами и болями в позвоночнике


Редкая форма болезни, которая поражает детей и молодых людей, причиной обычно являются врожденные заболевания, проявляется болями в спине и нижних конечностях, задержкой развития, компрессионными переломами

Stages of osteoporosis

The disease develops in several stages, each of which has its own clinical picture

First stage

After a long physical exertion, the patient develops spasms in the legs, which disappear after rest. At this stage, the problem can be solved with the help of conservative therapy, without surgery. But many people do not pay attention to the above symptoms, which leads to the progression of the disease.

Second stage

Muscle spasms become permanent and more painful. The development of inflammatory processes in soft tissues is possible. This creates problems with flexion and extension of the affected joint. Spasms occur not only in the legs, but also in the groin area. When changing body position, the joint crunches. Some patients have sudden, sharp spasms that resolve quickly.

Third stage

Pain becomes constant, regardless of the load, muscle weakness develops. The structure of the bone tissue changes, the patient begins to limp. This allows the doctor to suspect the presence of the disease. With the help of conservative therapy, it is impossible to cure this form. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, surgery is prescribed to treat osteoporosis.


The diagnosis is made comprehensively. At the appointment, the doctor asks questions and examines the patient for the safe treatment of osteoporosis, after which he prescribes the following examinations:

Laboratory methods
  • complete blood count;
  • calcium in urine;
  • biochemistry blood test (alkaline phosphatase content is detected);
  • markers of bone destruction;
  • thyroid hormone test;
  • determination of testosterone levels (for men).
Instrumental methods
  • densitometry;
  • X-ray of the affected bone;
  • scintigraphy;
  • biopsy;
  • MRI.


The main goal of therapy is to stop bone loss and prevent complications.

Medical treatment of hip osteoporosis in women and men includes taking vitamins, minerals, hormones, and so on, depending on the severity of the disease, the age of the patient.

The following groups of medicinal products may be prescribed:

  • anabolic steroids — increase bone strength;
  • hormonal drugs — slow down the process of osteoporosis;
  • vitamins, minerals — make up for the lack of nutrients, improve metabolism;
  • chondroprotectors — improve the processes of regeneration of the cartilage tissue of the joint, contributing to the restoration of its function.

The most effective methods of treating osteoporosis are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • UFO;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy.

Hip osteoporosis surgery is a radical method of solving the problem. Surgery is indicated in the later stages, when conservative treatment no longer helps and the disease continues to progress.

If the operation is successful, then it significantly improves the patient’s quality of life, returns motor function, and prevents the development of dangerous complications.

Basic surgical techniques


A complex surgery, during which bone fragments are fixed using special medical plates, nails, wire. This connection of tissues accelerates the regeneration processes and allows the patient to maintain the possibility of independent movement.

Endoprosthesis installation
Endoprosthesis installation

Replacement of a worn joint with a prosthesis is carried out if indicated. After a while, motor function is restored. After the operation, the patient is in the clinic for some time, under the supervision of specialists. He is prescribed various drugs, including antibacterial drugs and analgesics.

Exercise therapy

In addition to conservative treatment and surgical operations, physiotherapy exercises give a good result as part of complex therapy.

Performing a special set of exercises improves local metabolic processes, accelerates blood flow, relieves congestion, promotes faster regeneration of bone tissue, strengthens the muscle skeleton, improves coordination of movements and flexibility.

There are two main types of exercise that help with osteoporosis:
  • to strengthen muscles - various types of strength exercises; to strengthen muscles - various types of strength exercises;
  • to strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system. to strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system.

Don’t let joint pain define your life

Give yourself freedom of movement without restrictions

Over 5 years, using the DAA method, we returned more than 3 thousand patients to an active life.

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